Monday, April 14, 2008

First Day Part 2

Luke - "I like tinfoil in my wraps!"

Luke - "What's this?"
Ness - "Luke, it's a fork."
Luke - "oh! it's for eating!"

Clearing up a few things from past comments. Yes, there was a weed reference in the second post. And Saganaki is our team name. It has nothing to do with cougars, in fact it is a cheese dish from the greek kitchen.

We finally finished out first homework assignment, new rule start homework before you get tired, we have tied Parkour to skateboarding, martial arts, and black and white films. I think all of our papers will be posted later this week or after we get back.

We all took ice baths tonight. You'd think being from Maine we'd be able to stand it. But a bath full of cold water is something i have never quite experienced before. The cold water is supposed to prevent swelling, it also seems to create headaches though.

Tomorrow we will be training more, non of us can remember what it is that we are learning tomorrow so you will have to wait till tomorrow afternoon to here about it.

good night!
your constant blogger,


jakob said...

helo haw do you do i did not reed it all i jest red a little but on mater cus i can call you guys! i will stop doing riley enoing stuff ok. well got to go have fun be safe. and you rok! lukas aka bruther (lje)

jakob said...

ness thanks for makeing the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps the sekyurety thig that you have to tipe in is a pane