Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 3 The Only Part

We are over the three day hump! Hurray we have been having so much fun. (and winding up so tired)
Another note about yesterday's workout...We each had to land 50 precision jumps, about 4 feet.
We had a different warmup this morning that Mark joined us on. Run the block, 3x down dog to the cobra, 10x jump ups, 2x samson stretch, and qm forward and back. Working out this many days in a row this hard burns. But looking back on what we have learned already feels like such an accomplishment.
After warm up we wroked on cadence. How can you jump off a wall if you put the wrong foot forward? So we jogged in a circle putting our right foot on one line and left foot on the next...etc... We jogged, and jogged. Mark says, "allright, im going to go get breakfast i'll be back when you guys have it down." so he walks out the door and we keep running...and running...and running.
Once we had the cadence down he showed us how to tic tac off of a vault box. Place one foot on the wall leap and wing both feet upards gaining height and distance. Next we tried it off a wall, then over a 3 foot rope, then 4 feet, then 5 feet. It was pretty crazy and mark caught some priceless photos of us all in mid air.
We finished out workout with holding handstands and foot elevated push ups (25) A pretty crazy and fun day. Tomorrow we do vaults and in the evening we get to train with the "Advanced Parkour" class. We can't wait.
Our homework assignment today was to research the difference between Parkour and Free Running. In a nutshell parkour is more direct where as free running involves excess moves like flips or tricks. For research we got to watch all the online videos that we haven't already seen.

Good night:)


sensei said...

I am insanely jealous. I am almost nauseous with jealousy. Oh no...Congratulations...I have just now vomited on my keyboard with jealousy and pride in three people spending a week exactly how they want to spend it.

I am comforted only by the fact that you have no idea who this is.

marble said...

Sory sensei your identity has been uncoved.Oh mighty kid teaching,rock climbing sensei.
your fathfull grasshopper!