Sunday, April 13, 2008

Crazy fun trip

Quotes from the trip down:

Pilot-"The plane ahead of us at our terminal has broken down, better at the gate then in the air, right?"

Ness-"Kai, there's is no time difference between Portland and DC."
Kai-"Prove it!"

Luke-"And we can just get cheapest kind, Oakhurst milk"

Kai-"Where are we gonna get our protien??"
Ness -"TOFU!!!"
Kai and Ness - "nooooo..."

Ness - "Allright, we have a choice, we can spend our money on food or weed this week."
Luke - "food!"
Kai - "but can't we eat the weed?"

Kai- "I had a good one but I forgot it..." regarding the writing of the qoutes

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